Autorstwa:dr inż. Piotr Gruchlik
Zaprezentowano uzyskane doświadczenia w zakresie pomiarów skanerem laserowym 3D Trimble TX5. Poznanie i korzystanie z możliwości technologii skaningu laserowego umożliwia wprowadzanie nowej jakości w procesy inwentaryzowania i monitorowania szkód górniczych. Przedstawiono wybrane przykłady zrealizowanych pomiarów z wykorzystaniem skanera laserowego 3D
Terrestrial 3D laser scanning, experiences and prospects
This paper presents the experience gained in the field of 3D laser scanner measurements Trimble TX5. Knowledge and use of the capabilities of laser scanning technology allows to enter a new quality in the processes of inventory and monitoring of mining damage. Some examples of measurements were presented using a 3D laser scanner.This paper presents the experience gained in the field of 3D laser scanner measurements Trimble TX5. Knowledge and use of the capabilities of laser scanning technology allows to enter a new quality in the processes of inventory and monitoring of mining damage. Some examples of measurements were presented using a 3D laser scanner
Słowa kluczowe :skaner laserowy 3D, naziemne skanowanie laserowe, pomiary, szkody górnicze, monitoring
Keywords: 3D laser scanner, Terrestrial Laser Scanning, measurement, mining damage, monitoring